house cleaning service

4 Tips For Hiring A House Cleaning Service

Cleaning the house can be a tedious task. This is especially so for those who have to balance other things like work, children and other responsibilities. Thus when it comes to cleaning your home one is usually tired and not ready to engage or has no energy to clean. Here is where the service of a house cleaning service come in. A house cleaning service are professionals who are trained and knowledgeable on how to clean one’s home and take this responsibility away from them. If you are looking to hire a house cleaning service below are some tips.

Hiring A House Cleaning Service

1. Determine your needcleaning service

What is it that you want the cleaning service to do. Are you looking for a standard cleaning of dustingĀ andĀ moping or do you want a thorough cleaning of the home? Do you want the service to concentrate more on tough spots in the home such as the kitchen and bathrooms? Do you also need other services like laundry to be done? Also, how often do you want the cleaning service? Establishing your need will help you choose a company that will be able to provide the service that you need.

2. Where to search

Talk to your family, neighbors and friends and ask for referrals of companies that they may know of. They could have used the service or know someone who has. If they used the service, they will be able to give honest feedback on their experience with the service. Check out online for companies that provide this company. It is important to read through reviews to get a reputable company.

3. Do background checks

One needs to do background checks on the house cleaning service. The company needs to have the proper license to provide the service. One should also find out how long the company has been in service. Experience bring expertise and one does not want to leave the cleaning of their home to a novice.

Secondly, inquire whether the company has insurance and is bonded. Professional cleaning services have a liability and workers compensation insurance and are bonded, to protect the client and their staff if something gets broken, damaged or missing or in the case of an accident when the work is being done. Finally, find out whether the company does checks and screening of the staff they hire. Considering one is allowing a stranger into their home, their needs to be the assurance that thorough checks have been done.

4. Get estimates

costsThe house cleaning service needs to send a team to do an assessment of the job that needs to be done to provide a written estimate for the service. This is where the client communicates their needs to get the accurate estimates.

Finally, be sure to find out whether you are the one providing the cleaning product or it is the company. If it is the company is providing, know whether the products are environmentally friendly.

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