Water can cause severe damage to the house foundation. This can be heartbreaking given most house foundations cost a fortune because of the expensive materials used to lay a solid foundation. There are several ways in which water damages the foundation of a house. Some of these ways include: Leakages from kitchen sinks, toilet overflows, heavy rains, and pipe water leakage.
Most people experiencing water damage are ignorant about the detrimental effects of such leakage and overflow in their homes. Unknowing to them, these leakages could penetrate the building blocks of a house foundation. Once the foundation of a house is weakened, the prospects of a house collapsing are very high. This could cost lives or serious injuries to dwellers. You can find ways you could prevent foundation water damage. Some of these methods include:
Install proper gutters
Fixing working gutters around the roof of the house is very important. You should ensure the gutters are working at all times for proper drainage of rainwater. Gutters collect rainwater and prevent it from following to the ground. Rainwater falling on the ground could easily find its water on the house foundation and cause damage. If possible, a storage tank should be installed in the house to divert all the water to the storage facility.
Use downspouts
If one cannot afford to install a water tank for storage of rainwater, it is encouraged that you fit downspout extenders. This will ensure that water collected from the gutters is poured away from the house, hence preventing foundation damage.
Regular maintenance of piped water
We often ignore to inspect our houses for water leakage. One fact that remains is that pipes get damaged through wear and tear. This can go unnoticed unless we regularly inspect pipes and replace those worn out. If this can be detected early, you can prevent foundation damage in advance.
Use waterproof materials
For those intending to construct a house, this is important for you. The design stage of a house foundation is critical in ensuring it is not damaged in future. It is encouraged that you use waterproofing materials such as nylons and other chemicals used by professionals. These materials are instrumental in ensuring the foundation adheres to the recommended industry standards. Hence, foundation damage can be prevented during the construction stage.
These are some of the tips you can apply to ensure your house foundation remains solid at all time…